Author: David Anderson

Clearing the Blur Astigmatism Explained
Eye Health

Clearing the Blur: Astigmatism Explained

Welcome, curious minds, to another enlightening journey through the realm of ocular wonders! Today, we delve into the intricate world of astigmatism—a term that might ...
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Understanding Hyperopia: What You Need to Know
Eye Health

Understanding Hyperopia: What You Need to Know

At Anderson Eye Care, we believe that clear vision is a cornerstone of quality of life. Among the various refractive errors that can affect your ...
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Managing Allergies and Their Impact on Eye Health
Eye Health

Managing Allergies and Their Impact on Eye Health

Living with allergies can be more than just a seasonal nuisance; they can significantly impact your eye health. At Anderson Eye Care, we understand how ...
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Cataracts Unmasking the Cloudy Vision Culprit in Your Family

Cataracts: Unmasking the Cloudy Vision Culprit in Your Family

Cataracts are a common eye condition that primarily affect individuals as they age, although they can develop in younger people as well. This clouding of ...
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Dry Eye Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments
Eye Health

Dry Eye Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

Dry eye disease is a common ocular condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is considered to be heavily under-diagnosed, which means that many ...
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why do my eyelids keep twitching
Eye Health

Why do my eyelids keep twitching?

Whilst it’s neither painful nor dangerous, eyelid twitching is something that a lot of us experience at least a handful of times throughout our lives. ...
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How AI has found its place in the eye care industry
Eye Health

How AI found its place in the eye care industry

Ophthalmology is in the vanguard of medical specialties adopting AI for clinical use. Here’s a short list of some of the applications entering the clinic. ...
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What causes dark circles around the eyes
Eye Health

What causes dark circles around the eyes?

Dark circles around the eyes are a common problem for many people, and they can make you look tired, sick, or older than you actually ...
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Conjunctivitis Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Eye Health

Conjunctivitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Conjunctivitis, which is often referred to as ‘pink eye’, is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, which is the thin, transparent tissue that covers ...
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what causes colour blindness

What actually causes colour blindness?

Colour blindness, also known as colour vision deficiency, is a condition that affects a person’s ability to perceive or distinguish certain colours. The most common ...
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What Causes Styes & How To Treat Styes
Eye Health

Styes: What Causes Them & How To Treat Them

Styes can affect people of all ages, with many of us experiencing their discomfort at least once in our lifetime. Styes (known medically as chalazion) ...
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What is Asthenopia
Eye Health

Achy Eyes: What is Asthenopia & Why Are My Eyes Aching?

Do you ever feel a sensation of your eyes being strained, almost as if you need to somehow stretch them? You may have even noticed ...
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